Return Policy
Return Policy
Graphic Only Items:
There is no return or refund because of their custom nature.
Hardware Only Items:
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 days after first receiving your product.
The product must be returned to the warehouse within 14 days of the issuance of the return. All products must be packed in the original, unmarked packaging including any accessories, manuals, documentation and registration that shipped with the product. If the item is returned unopened in the original box, we will exchange it or offer you a refund based on your original method of payment.
Graphic Packages:
Printed graphics are non-refundable due to its custom nature with the media and labor required to produce. However, the stock hardware portion of the display can be returned for a refund. Please contact for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) request within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the product. If the hardware portion is returned in the original box, in unused condition we will exchange it or offer you a refund based on your original method of payment and your needs. The product must be returned to the warehouse within 14 calendar days of the issuance of the RMA. (all shipping fees are non-refundable) All products must include any accessories, manuals, documentation and registration that shipped with the product. We do not charge a restocking fee.